Unbelievable!! When Pastor Kakande’s ‘Son’ Exposed Secrets About The Father’s ‘Staged’ Miracles , Sources Of Wealth And Alleged Human Sacrifices

In a move that sent seismic shockwaves through the religious community, Sam Kakande, the son of renowned prophet Samuel Kakande, made a daring escape from his father’s Synagogue Church of All Nations.

The dramatic turn of events unfolded on January 14, 2018, during the annual corporate prayer day at Namboole, a moment that would go down in history as a bold declaration of faith and conviction.

Sam, once a loyal follower and heir apparent to his father’s ministry, stunned the congregation by announcing his departure from the church. The reason? He feared for his life, believing he was next in line to be sacrificed in the very same church he had called home for so long.

The thought sent chills down his spine, and he knew he had to act fast.With a newfound sense of courage, Sam denounced his father’s teachings, labeling them as “lies, stage-managed miracles, witchcraft, and evil sacrifices.” He expressed his disgust at the emphasis on material wealth and good fortune, which he believed had corrupted the true message of faith.

The once-loyal son had finally found the strength to speak out against the very man who had taught him everything he knew.Sam’s defection was a significant blow to his father’s ministry, which had already been marred by controversy.

Samuel Kakande had faced accusations of promoting witchcraft and had sought help from Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua after the mysterious death of his ‘holy snake.’ The elder Kakande had also faced environmental concerns related to his farming activities on Lake Victoria’s shores, adding to the growing scrutiny of his ministry.

As Sam began his new journey with the Seventh Day Adventist church, he requested baptism and cleansing, symbolizing his rebirth and departure from the darkness he had left behind. His brave decision served as a beacon of hope for others seeking truth and authenticity in their faith.

Fast forward to 2024, and Sam’s story remains a powerful testament to the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs, even in the face of adversity. His courage has inspired countless others to question and seek the truth, no matter the cost.

However, our news company cannot confirm whether Sam’s claims were entirely true, as he alleged.While his story raises important questions about the Synagogue Church of All Nations and its practices, we must approach the situation with nuance and discernment, recognizing the complexity of the issues at hand.


3 responses to “Unbelievable!! When Pastor Kakande’s ‘Son’ Exposed Secrets About The Father’s ‘Staged’ Miracles , Sources Of Wealth And Alleged Human Sacrifices”

  1. Prophet kakande and kakande ministries
    Is a right church of God arena of liberty healing and miracles happen. I believe in him because I pray in the church, and I like his intercession service of natural breakthrough. When you go there and follow the teachings and see testimonies of people from all over the world. My child had a heart problem and needed surgery I went to the church thinking he would pray or say is healed. No he only prayed and told us to follow medical direction’s. You can not be prayed for without medical documents. For people looking miracles very fast at kakande you need to be patient and keep in prayer waiting for God to answer your prayers. I am lucky he told me money, good Sergion doctor’s the nurses are all from God’s mercy. He gave me only olive oil,water, and a blessed dream come true for my son to be healed. It was good Friday on Monday my son was operated the operation went successfully went through ICU and the care of treatment the love from doctors was too much. But I knew in my heart it was the prayers at work. My friends mobilized 14m under saving life campaign, but UWA our employer paid all insurance hospital Bill’s at mulago heart institute. In 3 week’s we we were discharged and my son Isreal is doing well. I thank pastor kakande and the ministry for God to use him.
    I have seen miracles when I started my academic career studdies at Nkumba university, I have had my miracle of money when I started my travel company business, I have had miracle of clients when he kakande prayed for me to build a good house. I am sure that what am praying for my project proposal will get grant funds to make more wonders in rubirizi district.
    To people who talk have not faced such big challenges in life but when it comes to them they’ll seek God’s hand through such Men of God. Thank you prophet Samuel kakande, Thank you B.Ronnie makabai for praying to me and my son Isreal is fine doing well. Glory and honour be to Jesus Amen.

  2. The son is really right coz there is no smoke without fire…And the information is from a first hand so I strongly believe

  3. Etapu Julius Avatar
    Etapu Julius


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